Sunday, March 19, 2006


V For Vendetta was an incredible film. All must go and see its wonders. Reminiscent of and 1984 and Equilibrium. Hugo Weaving was a tremendous "V."

I also want to see A Scanner Darkly and Silent Hill. Too many movies, not enough time.

I got all the classes I wanted for summer and fall. That made me happy.

and that is enough for now.


Carl Marks said...
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Carl Marks said...

A Scanner Darkly makes me quiver in my normally warm pants. I am so thrilled to see Linklater tackle this subject matter, ahhh phillip k dick...! also if you want to read up on the method by which they "animate" this movie and the waking life you should pick up a copy of Wired (magazine) they talk in depth about this subject.