Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Well, I'm still alive.

I took the TestDaF last week. It was quite difficult. I feel like I can never accurately gauge my performance on any kind of exam. I could have done quite well, or poorly. I will get my results in about 6 weeks, which is an excruciating amount of time to wait. Oh well.

I had my 27th birthday last Saturday. A small group of friends and I gathered for the occasion. They brought pointy party hats and extending paper kazoos. I'll put pictures up on facebook eventually... Though I am mildly indifferent towards the idea of birthdays anymore. I cannot believe I am 27 years old. Everyone always complains about "feeling old," so I'll keep it to a minimum. In fact, I won't complain at all. I just have trouble grasping the reality of my age, and how much time has passed since I learned to drive a car, since I played Final Fantasy VII, or graduated from Pine View. [12 years, 12 years, and 9 years respectively...]

On a somewhat personal note, and a different topic entirely, I have been feeling very nihilistic lately. That is not to say that certain things do not matter to me... But on the average, my perceptions of a great many things have changed over the past year or two. It is harder for me to laugh and harder for me to cry about anything. (But when I do, it's really great...) I find myself pulling away from human relationships. Almost nothing surprises me anymore. When confronted with something tragic or astonishing, I just kind of nod and give a cursory sigh. This may be one of the most personal things I've ever written on here, but it feels good to put my feelings to words. I am not necessarily worried about this change in myself, but I do worry that the trend will continue, further diminishing the value I have for anything.

Now I'd like to talk about one of my favorite words: "Badass."

Almost as ubiquitous as the F-word, Badass has so many wonderful applications.

As an adjective, it can simply act as a colorful synonym for "cool," "amazing," or "impressive."

That movie was BADASS!

As a noun, it refers more to somebody who is intimidating, powerful, or tough.

Sephiroth is such a badass...

I find myself using it all the time. I'll say it when someone tells me something that pleases me. Emphasis can make the word even stronger by inserting a pause in the middle and stretching out the vowels: "Baad Aass!" with a tone of sincerity or reverence.

And all of this from a word that, interpreted literally, means "butt cheeks of poor quality" or "a rear end up to no good." English is a crazy, crazy language.


Anonymous said...

Here's something that is going to blow your mind, Sameeule. In kind of old school Kyoto-dialect Japanese, there is the expression, "ketsu ga warui" which translates literally to "ass is bad." People use it when referring to someone who is a bad person, like black-hearted or despicable.

Unemployed Girl said...

Dude I am feeling super nihilistic too. I don't know what it is but lately i've been searching for the purpose of life and its impossible to find. Some days I just feel like whats the point which is a feeling I hadnt started experiencing untl recently. Maybe its getting older.

Anonymous said...

If a perilously empathetic redhead we and half the state once knew fell in the woods and no one was around to pick her up, did she ever exist? Whose figment was she? Was she too Protestant to scream? Did she just nod off, although she knew better? Didn't you know that girl?

Anonymous said...

When is your next entry coming, you bum!?

Adrian said...

Not everyone can be a mega poster like you Farmer. Relax.

amber demure said...

Berlin is badass. Weinerei is badass.