Saturday, August 29, 2009

A New Beginning

Hello everyone. I have been waiting to post until I received an answer from Humboldt Universität (seen above) regarding my acceptance.

As many of you know, I've been in Germany for 8 months (to the day, almost). In that time, I was in the C1 language course for all of January and February. Then I took the TestDaF prep course in late March and early April. The actual test was April 22nd.

So for the last 4 months, I have really done nothing of substantial merit. I have been on what I called a Permanent Vacation for the last 4 months! In situations like this my structure fades away and I tend to not care if it's Monday or Saturday, because it's always the same.

Well, my permanent vacation is coming to an abrupt end.

Because today, I got accepted to Humboldt for a Master's program in History!

I have to take a test called the DSH on September 11th, and then I will be matriculated into the German education system.

I am still very much in shock. Since I graduated FSU in April 2008 (16 months ago?) I feel like I've been floundering through life, directionless and without a purpose. This is not to say that being a student will bestow purpose upon me, but it IS a good start. I will finally start meeting people and my language skills will really take off.

Finally, after 8 months of being in Germany working towards this one thing, I actually achieved it.

For those of you that have been so supportive of me, you have my sincerest gratitude.

I'm going to have to start changing my ways, big time. No more sleeping all day and staying up all night. I've been trying to go on a daily bike ride for exercise and to explore the city. I have to implement these changes quickly if I am to be successful at Humboldt. But for now, I am incredibly excited.

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